Sustainability has become the buzzword for the future of food. Indeed, the Academy has expressed formal interest on this topic, and foodies and bloggers nationwide have an opinion----likely based on theories and whimsical fantasies. Mark Rifkin, MS, RD, LDN will review essential outcomes criteria for evaluating eco-footprints, compare eco-footprints of various foods and review how students can easily integrate sustainable foods into their future career plans and client recommendations.
Mark Rifkin is a Registered Dietitian, and holds Master's Degrees in health education and environmental science and policy. He specializes in practical applications of plant-based diets and implications for sustainability, policy and health. He is the author of a 2023 peer-reviewed article on implications of chronic disease and climate-related disasters on health care capacity and nutrition policy. Mark previously worked in policy for the Center for Biological Diversity, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, provided nutrition counseling, and worked in environmental health.
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